Bamboo Massage

Bamboo Massage


Short Description

SKU: MASSAGE-04 Category:


Marys Karen is the therapist to incorporate Bamboo into her treatment and uses these wonderful and natural tools to work even deeper within the body.
Originally from Asia and gaining popularity in the UK, this new therapy is wonderful to have if you like deep tissue work. It will leaves you feeling relaxed and energised and with a sense that your muscles have been stretched, warmed and elongated.
Bamboo massage uses solid bamboo sticks of different lengths and diameters to massage the body. The sticks are gently warmed and applied to give deep and long massage strokes to break down tension and stretch tight muscles.
This treatment especially works well for runners and cyclists experiencing tightness in their legs, feet and IT band. It is also of great benefit to anyone suffering from shortened muscles due to postural imbalances.
Bamboo massage is a unique new way to relax tight muscles and release stress and tension and improve sports performance. If you like deep tissue work, this treatment is for you.
For an ultimate relaxing and stretching experience, Nathalie combines hot stones with warm bamboo in a 90 minutes therapeutic session. Using hot stones to warm and relax the body and then warm bamboo to go deeper into the muscles, releasing, stretching and relaxing the body at the same time.

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45 minutes, 60 minutes


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My name is Marys Karen. After attending different courses and training updates in the holistic and wellness sector, I have been working for therapeutic and relaxing massages for eight years.
I am a professional holistic masseuse, among my professional treatments I propose different styles including:
– Decontracting
– Hot Stone
– Relaxation
– Bamboo
– Aromatherapy

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